Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Short Story

This is a short story that I wrote for a short story contest. The first paragraph was the subject given. I kept  on having to shorten it because it was too long for the contest, but here is the end result.

Duke loved going to the circus. He loved watching the acrobats, the fire-eaters, and the elephants, but the one thing he always looked forward to was the lion! It was his dream to be a lion trainer, but his mother would never let him. "It's too dangerous," she would say. "And you have to go to school." But that didn't stop Duke from sneaking backstage one Saturday to see the lions...
            It was a dark and chilly night. The wind that blew outside was bitter, and it made the small amount of rain that was falling seem larger than it actually was. It was the middle of December, which made it the cruelest climate of the entire year. The drizzle pounded down on the exterior of the arena that held the most anticipated show in that region of the world: the circus.
            Duke was ecstatic when he learned that his father had purchased tickets to the event. Cheers were heard all over the house. Duke ran all over the place until he could do it no more. Despite his joy, though, Duke’s mother was not at all very happy about the matter. “This is not a good idea, John.” Duke’s mother told his father, “Duke needs to get a good education. This circus thing is only a distraction.” Despite her pleadings, Duke’s father wouldn’t listen. “C’mon, Jen, it’ll be a good experience. It makes Duke happy, and that’s all that matters.” So, on that dark, dreary December night, the three set off for the circus.
            Duke’s family had a great time that night. They each watched the fire-eaters, the acrobats, and the elephants with excitement and joy. Nevertheless, these events did not eliminate the anticipation of the grand finale: the lions. After the elephants were ushered off the stage, Duke knew what was next, and he had a plan. “Father, I really must use the restroom,” he told his father, who answered: “Go ahead, but hurry.” Boy, did Duke hurry.
            Duke ran out into the hall, down the stairs, and into the lobby of the building. The ushers and attendants were all inside watching the finale, so nobody was there to accommodate Duke. He ran around to the doors where he knew that the back of the stage was located. He tried one of the doors. “Unlocked!” he whispered in joy as he entered. Duke was so small that he was not noticed, and it was so dark that he was easily able to sneak past security and find the lions, which were waiting to be guided onto the stage.
            Duke reached out in the dark and felt his hand brush something soft. He heard a low growl. Fear suddenly filled his heart, but he had no time to figure out why before the curtains opened. Lights were shining into his eyes. Next to him were two lions, staring hungrily into his soul. He remembered screaming, and then everything suddenly went black.

            “Ah, you’re awake!” Duke heard his mother’s voice as he opened his eyes. His mother and father were looking lovingly down at him. He found himself in his own warm, comfortable bed. “Duke, you did something brave last night to follow your dreams. I don’t appreciate how you snuck onto the stage last night, but I’m proud of you. You showed us courage.” Duke embraced his mother as a tear of joy rolled down her cheek.

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